Excuse my absence but i've been busy enjoying life and the sun!! I love the spring/summer! I'm a summer baby so it's only natural. May has been such a busy month for me that i just haven't had time to sit and blog. So allow me to give you a bit of recap of my May.
- Cinco de Mayo is just another excuse to drink for Americans. This holiday isn't even celebrated in Mexico at all. Floyd Mayweather had his fight in town (Las Vegas) and he won. Fight night in Vegas is something that is pretty indescribable. A fun tidbit for ya is that Floyd actually gets his pedicures at the same nail place that I frequent. I run into him ever so often. Anywho my roomies and I decided to throw a Cinco de Mayo/Fight party at our house. It was a blast! Great food, great people! Every party we throw or attend I am asked to make these jalapeno poppers that are pure awesomeness. Clink the link on the pic for the recipe.
Jalapeno Poppers |
- The following weekend I participated in a charity walk in El Paso, Texas that helped raise money for people with special needs. The organization is called The Arc. I bought some Nike FreeRuns for this which are amazing!! They have improved my running sooooo much. I recommend them for anyone who runs or wants to start. I love the color combos on these and if you order online you can design your own. These even have the Nike+ ready to go in the shoe so that you can track your runs, you just have to buy the sensor. I also celebrated a friend's 30th bday in El Paso that night so it ended up being a pretty good weekend.

- The next weekend I actually went back home to Gary, Indiana!! I haven't been home since Christmas so this visit was long over due! One of my closest friends from high school was having a baby shower for her 4th child! I love going home to visit my friends and family and eat all the food I can't get in Las Vegas. I always miss Cracker Barrel, White Castle, Harold's Chicken and my fave place, Mr.Goody's, which in my opinion has the best Italian beef sandwiches and gyros! I saw friends I haven't seen in quite some time so it was a great trip! I was supposed to head to Orlando on Sunday to visit my grandmother but the flights were full seeing as I fly standby on Southwest but my day ended up being amazing anyway. I went on a mini road trip to my old stomping grounds at Purdue University in West Lafayette, In. Purdue is only an hour away from Gary. I was surprised to see that there is now a windmill farm on the drive there. I haven't made that drive in years so to see very large windmills kind of freaked me out! I met up with a good friend who lives in Anderson, In and we had a great day together. It was fun meeting up spontaneously. We discovered this game on the iPhone called Scramble with friends that we haven't stopped playing since I left! I love unexpected moments like that because they create the best memories.
- This past weekend was actually Memorial Day weekend. I was going to go visit my friend in Los Angeles but decided to work instead. So I had a pretty chill weekend at home on call/reserve for work which I ended up not being used at all so I got paid to relax! I have to say my month was pretty great! And next month will be even better seeing as I'm starting it out with a vacation to CANCUN!! My new swimsuit from Pin Up Girl just arrived in the mail today!!
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